Hello everyone, Gor Gor was born on the 22nd of November 2005 at 0029am.
Gor Gor says:
Daddy’s and Mummy’s friends came to visit me when I was born. I would like to thank Subin and family, Angelia and family, Mummy’s students, Mohan, Terence, Michelle and Benjamin, Joel, Soo Guan and David, Sugene, Leonard, Hua Lin, Leanne and many friends who wanted to come but mum stayed in the hospital for only two and a half days so she can’t have too many visitors during her stay. Thank you for coming to see me and the generous gifts and well wishes that my parents’ friends have been sending, the doctors jokingly told Mummy that she has to discharge soon as she will need a lorry to carry all the gifts back.
**My parents are very touched and deeply grateful by all the well wishers. Thank you dear grandparents, aunties, uncles and wonderful friends. God bless you all **