Interview with Mediacorp 987 DJ Natasha Mohamad Faisal on Balancing Parenting, Career, and Expecting Baby Number Two

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Natasha Mohamad Faisal, the vibrant and lively DJ at Mediacorp Radio 987, is well-known for packing energy and humour into her afternoon show, Lunchbox. Beyond the radio waves, Natasha leads an equally dynamic life as a devoted mother and party host extraordinaire. As she prepares to welcome her second child, Natasha shares her journey of parenting, the lessons learned, and how she balances her thriving career with family life.

In an exclusive interview, Natasha opens up about the evolution of her parenting style since the birth of her first child, the unique challenges of raising a toddler while expecting a new baby, and the partnership she shares with her husband in navigating parenthood. With her characteristic humour and sincerity, Natasha reflects on the joys and struggles of motherhood, offering insights and tips for fellow working mums striving to find harmony between their professional and personal lives.

Interview with Mediacorp 987 DJ Natasha Mohamad Faisal 

1) Congratulations on your second pregnancy! How are the preparations going, and what aspects of expanding your family are you looking forward and most excited about?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: Ah, thanks a bunch! Preparing for baby number two is like prepping for a sequel – in my head I feel like I got the basics down pat, but I’m bracing myself for any surprise twist. We’re mostly excited to see how our first kiddo, Luna, takes on the role of the big sister. She’s definitely a character and has been showing promising signs, like being mindful of my growing belly and acknowledging “adik” (younger sibling) in her routines, it’s amusing and heartwarming all at the same time.

2) Do you and your husband share similar parenting styles, or do you have distinct approaches? How do you navigate any differences in parenting philosophies?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: My husband and I definitely have our own flavours, but I’d like to think we’ve mastered the art of compromise. When it comes to parenting styles, my husband and I are like two sides of the same coin. We’re both rather easygoing and place emphasis on safety and staying rooted in our faith, but beyond that, we take slightly different routes.

He’s ‘Silly Daddy’ in our household, the one who turns toothbrush time into a dance party and bedtime into a stand-up comedy show. Luna adores every moment of his goofiness. As for me, I’m ‘Safe Space Mommy.’ Whenever Luna needs a cuddle, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to ride through to her toddler dramas, I’m her go-to gal.

When navigating our differences there’s been lots of trial and errors. At the end of the day, we both just want what’s best for our little Luna – a safe, silly, and snuggly upbringing.

3) Having experience with your first child, are there any specific things you plan to do differently or lessons you’ve learned that you’ll apply to parenting your second child?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: Absolutely! Round one taught us some valuable lessons. We’re definitely aiming to stress less about the small stuff and soak in every precious baby moment this time around. Oh, and speaking of memories, I’m making a mental note to clear out some serious storage space on our devices. I’m notoriously bad at documenting, and I’ve had my fair share of “darn, I wish I captured that” moments with Luna. I’m living the memories, but my Instagram’s left wondering where all the photos are! Maybe I’ll even get a bit more active on social media, not for the likes, but as a digital diary of sorts. I mean, Luna’s had two epic birthdays, and while we’ve had a blast, my feed’s been crickets.

4) How did you go about sharing the news of your pregnancy with your daughter, and what was her reaction? How do you involve her in the preparations for her new sibling?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: Sharing the news with Luna was a total “kids say the darndest things” moment! It was October last year, as we were getting ready for bed, Luna pulled off her detective act, lifting my shirt, planting kisses on my belly, all while declaring, “baby inside.” She practically had me running to the drugstore for pregnancy tests! When the results confirmed her hunch, her reaction was priceless – a mix of excitement and curiosity that melted our hearts. She naturally exclaimed “I’m Kakak (big sister) Luna!”

As for involving her in the preparations, we’re making it a family affair. She’s right in the middle of all the action. We’re reading books about becoming a big sister and talking about all the adventures she’ll have with her new sibling. It’s all about making her feel included and excited for this new chapter in our family’s story.

5) Balancing parenthood with a career can be challenging. Can you share some insights into how you manage to juggle parenting duties while working as a DJ at Mediacorp 987?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: I feel incredibly fortunate to have a solid support system in place, both at work and at home. My managers at Mediacorp 987, shoutout to Boss Janice and Erina, and colleague, Gerald, have been absolute gems. They not only understand the challenges of balancing work and parenthood but also offer invaluable advice and tips gleaned from their own experiences as parents. Having their support has been a game-changer.

On the home front, I hit the jackpot with a partner who’s not just supportive but hands-on as well. We’ve got this tag-team thing down to a science – I handle the cooking, he tackles the cleaning, and somehow it all works out. Plus, living close to my parents has been a delightful bonus. Their presence adds an extra layer of love and security that’s truly priceless.

Of course, laughter is our secret weapon when things inevitably go off the rails. We’ve learned to roll with the punches and find humour in the chaos.

6) What advice or tips would you offer to fellow working mothers who are trying to find balance between their careers and parenthood?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: To all the incredible working moms out there, I only have respect and admiration for all that you do! My two cents: take every piece of advice you receive with a pinch of salt. What works for one family might not necessarily work for yours, and that’s perfectly okay. Every household has its own unique system and dynamics, so trust your instincts and find what works best for you and your family.

And remember, it’s okay if the house looks like a tornado hit it – it’s more common than you realise! As long as everyone under your roof is happy and healthy, you’re already winning at this crazy game. So cut yourself some slack, laugh off the chaos, and remember that you’re doing an amazing job. You’ve got this!

7) What are some of your favourite activities or rituals that you enjoy with your daughter to strengthen your bond as mother and daughter?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: Bedtime is definitely the highlight of my day! It’s our sacred mother-daughter bonding time. I make an effort to disconnect from all devices and dive headfirst into the precious moments with Luna. We kick off our wind-down routine about an hour before bedtime, where we catch up on the day, dive into a good book, or indulge in a tickle, cuddle, and kiss marathon. It’s become our cherished nightly ritual, and honestly, it’s the time I eagerly anticipate every single day.

8) As a radio DJ, you’re used to being in the spotlight. How do you navigate maintaining a sense of privacy while also sharing aspects of your personal life, like parenthood, with your audience?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: Ironically, as a radio DJ, you’d think I’d be all over social media like a kid in a candy store. But as life evolves and I embrace this phase, I find myself less inclined to share every detail online. Updating my socials isn’t my go-to move anymore. Sure, I’ll sprinkle in some funny anecdotes and parenting mishaps like confetti, but the real juicy stuff? That’s reserved for me and my inner circle.

However, I’m all ears when it comes to messages from followers seeking advice or sharing their own experiences. If someone wants to know my take, I’m more than happy to spill the beans. But if not, a little mystery never hurt anyone, right?

9) Given your experience juggling a career and motherhood, what advice would you offer to our readers who are working mothers or expecting mothers, striving to balance self-care and maintaining a professional and polished image?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: Ah, the eternal struggle of balancing self-care with keeping up appearances! I guess a mix of “treat yo’self” with a generous helping of “fake it till you make it”? Haha seriously though, if anyone’s got the secret formula, do share! I think it’s ok to be vulnerable at times – we’re only human. So don’t be afraid to throw your hair up in a messy bun and admit when you’re struggling. And as for that polished image? Some hairspray and our Mediacorp 987 playlist are your new best friends. You’re welcome!

10) Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for your growing family, both personally and professionally?

Natasha Mohamad Faisal: Personally, my main hope is to raise children who embody qualities like confidence, kindness, and boundless curiosity. Creating a safe and nurturing environment for them to thrive in is at the top of my priority list.

On the professional front, well, let’s just say I’m ready to spread my wings and fly. Whether it’s seizing new opportunities or venturing into uncharted territory, I know I have my family to come home to every time. And with that support behind me, I’m ready to tackle whatever that comes my way.

Natasha Faisal exemplifies the modern working mother, seamlessly juggling her career and parenting duties while radiating positivity and joy. As she eagerly anticipates the arrival of her second child, Natasha’s story serves as an inspiration to many, demonstrating that with a touch of humor, a lot of love, and the right support system, it is possible to thrive in both career and family. Her journey is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of cherishing every moment, both on and off the airwaves. Find out more about Natasha Faisal at

All images credit to Mediacorp 987 DJ Natasha Faisal and Mediacorp


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