9Round was founded in the US in 2007. It opened the first location in Singapore in 2019. 9Round is a women-friendly kickboxing fitness gym in Singapore that is dedicated to providing a convenient and effective workout programme within a 30-minute regimen, which fits into the busy and fast paced lifestyle of Singaporeans.
9Round offers a kickboxing themed fitness program that incorporates circuit training into a proprietary system of nine challenging workout stations developed by World Champion Kickboxer, Shannon “The Cannon” Hudson. It has highly-flexible time slots to suit anybody’s schedule and even for the busiest mothers, you can have the time for a much-needed exercise. All you need is 30 minutes out of the entire day to pump in a rewarding workout, making it almost perfectly tailored for busy mothers. There are no fixed classes, you are free to jump into any slot at your own convenience as new rounds start every 3 minutes, and after 9 rounds, you’re done with your workout.
Our team speaks to Michael Rajasingam where he shares more about 9Round, how its special regimen will fit into the lifestyle of a busy parent perfectly, helps to benefit the well-being of a full-time mother and more.
Exclusive Interview with Michael Rajasingam, 9Round’s Director of Operations and Franchise Development
1. Can you share with us more about 9Round and what makes 9Round unique and different from other gyms in Singapore?
9Round is a kickboxing circuit training. Kickboxing has many benefits to anyone and it is a full-body workout. Just to mention a few, strength building, toning, cardio, stamina, increase energy level, balance, engaging core which is a key muscle in the body, stability, stress relief, high-calorie burn and etc.
All you need is 30 mins, so you’re in and out in literally half an hour. All workouts are guided by trainers, which means there are trainers on hand to support, guide and encourage you throughout that 30 mins. There are no class times, so you can literally show up anytime (pre-COVID).
2. What are some of the common problems that women and mothers tend to face at gyms?
- Intimidation factor due to over-masculine environments in typical gyms. At 9Round, they have a predominantly female clientele (75%) – this ensures the personal comfort of all female members, and eliminates the intimidation factor you would usually feel in typical, highly masculine gym environments.
- Finding the right program that works on the overall body rather than just isolated areas.
- Time factor – juggling work, home, kids – 9Round is perfect in and out in just 30mins and no class times (pre-COVID).
- Support and guidance from a trainer – most gyms have a very low trainer to member ratio and attention is not spread out well, while some gyms have no trainers so members do their own thing and end up doing the wrong thing which leads to injury.
3. How does 9Round tackle these issues to ensure that they have a more conducive gym environment for women?
- It’s a non-combat environment so no one gets hit (no intimidation). Trainers are always there to guide through each round (proper technique and exercise is demonstrated) so everyone knows what to do.
- It’s a 30-min program, fits in nicely to anyone’s day.
- 75% of our membership base are females, with the majority being mothers looking to get a program to keep fit and work on overall fitness.
4. Why do women enjoy 9Round and what are the special qualities of 9Round for mothers?
- Overall body workout based on heart rate monitoring. So everyone works out at their own pace – the only competition is yourself and you go at the pace of your heart rate. It encourages you to listen to your heart and body.
- Flexible class times that fit into any busy mother’s schedule.
- The space is clean, with a boutique finish look.
- More importantly, they always get results.
5. How does 9Round’s special regimen fit perfectly into the lifestyle of a busy parent?
- Short, sharp and effective.
- 30 mins of workout = only 2% out of the whole day.
- No class times mean that you can just show up and get started.
- Opens early at 6 am, closes late at 9 pm, including weekend hours.
6. How would 9Round’s regimen benefit the well-being of a full-time mother?
- The training concept focuses on strengthening the overall body without building muscles – this helps with managing kids (lifting, playing, carrying, bending to pick them up, etc).
- It is cardio-based, which means it helps increase stamina, energy levels, and heart health – this is key for running after kids, being on the move, and having enough energy to last through the day.
- Kickboxing is fun – nothing like punching & kicking life’s stress away at a bag.
7. How does 9Round sanitise and keep the premise and equipment clean especially during pandemic period?
We are following Sports SG Guidelines by keeping the capacity and safety distancing measures in mind. We have also introduced a booking system to ensure crowd control. We have lowered our max capacity from 18 to 7.
8. Lastly, what would you like to say to our readers when they come and visit 9Round and what can they look out for? Any plans to more open gyms?
You will be guaranteed a fun, engaging and sweaty session! And before you know it, you’ve done an intense 30-minute workout without feeling like it was a drag for you. Yes, we are looking to expand to more areas, if you’re keen on owning a 9Round franchise, do get in touch with us!

All the above images credit to 9Round
9Round’s super quick sessions help to energise, relieve stress and boost confidence especially for mothers, who are looking to keep fit and in a better state to continue with their motherly duties. A full-body workout involves the actions of kicking, punching and other mixed movements, kickboxing is the ideal all-round cardiovascular exercise that is known to effectively tone the body and help lose weight — perfect for mothers who need big results in the shortest amount of time.
If you are a first timer and beginner, fret not, you will be guided by 9Round’s friendly trainers through the workouts that can be catered to fit each individual’s level and pace. Many 9Round members have agreed that the 9Round regimen is perfect for everyone regardless of age, fitness level or experience. For more information, please visit www.9round.sg.